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  • H&H Chiropractic

How to Prepare for Ketamine Treatment

Research has shown that ketamine treatments have the potential to help out with a wide range of symptoms, both physical and mental. Although these results are promising, it is important to keep in mind that ketamine is best used in conjunction with other methods of healing. This post discusses different ideas aimed to help better your experience with ketamine.


Setting an intention can be a very grounding experience, both in life and with ketamine treatments. An intention can be defined as an idea you have that you plan to carry out. When it comes to ketamine, setting an intention can help you get clear on what you want out of the experience and help lead to better insight.


Journaling has been used as a tool for self-expression and awareness for centuries. It seems that the physical movement of your hand to write while thinking and feeling your emotions leads to deeper emotional processing and improved well-being.

When it comes to ketamine, it may be helpful to write down your experiences the day of, the day after or whenever else you might be called to write. Ketamine therapy is a profound experience and it is not uncommon for patients to gain insights or realizations about themselves and their life. Journaling about these experiences may better help you remember and integrate those concepts into your life.

Remember, journaling is a personal experience that doesn’t need to look a certain way. Make sure you don’t get too caught up in the details of spelling and allow yourself to express yourself without judgement.

Some useful journaling prompts for ketamine may include:

“What is my intention for this session?”

“How am I feeling at this moment?”

“What insights did I gain out of this session?”

“How can I integrate what I learned?”


While therapy is not required to do ketamine infusions, it may be helpful. In one study, they found that Ketamine Assisted Therapy (ketamine + therapy) may have a higher response to treatment compared to ketamine or therapy alone. Therapists may be able to better assist you in integrating your experience while also acting as a safe soundboard to bounce ideas off of. Therapy and therapists may also be useful if you are hesitant about starting ketamine therapy; they can teach you different coping skills to assist you through your ketamine experience and out in the real world.


There has been some research conducted to suggest that music may increase the therapeutic benefits of ketamine. In this study, it was reported that classical or new age music may increase the therapeutic benefits while decreasing the negative side effects of dopamine.

In our office, we typically have nature sounds playing softly on the TV, however you are more than welcome to bring headphones to listen to music. We recommend music without words such as classical music, instrumental music and electronic dance music.

We have also received positive reports from patients who have used guided meditations during their sessions, although we do not have any research to back this up.

Comfortable clothes

During your session, you will most likely be sitting or reclined for 45 minutes to an hour. Due to this, we recommend comfortable clothing that is non-restricting to allow deeper states of meditation and/or dissociation during your session.

Eye mask and blanket

Although not a requirement, we do provide eye masks and blankets for your convenience and comfort. If bringing in your own will better help you relax and get comfortable please do so!

There are numerous things you can do in conjunction with ketamine therapy to improve your treatment outcome. This list is by no means comprehensive and if you think of something else you’d like to try, please feel free to contact us or ask your provider.

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